
Home - Sex & Your Health - Sexcabulary

Here we’ll define many of the common terms you’ll encounter when talking about sex and your health.

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There are currently 8 terms in this directory beginning with the letter T.
Absorbent cotton tubes a woman insert inside her vagina when she is menstruating.

The two balls under a man's penis where sperm is produced.

A male hormone produced in the testicles.

A genital infection that affect both male and female caused by a fungus. It causes soreness and itching in the genital area. It is more common in females.

Toxic Shock Syndrome
Toxic Shock Syndrome or TSS used to be associated with tampons, but doctors now think it could be caused by a number of things including diaphragms (caps). TSS is rare but serious and causes high fever, faintness and muscle problems.

A term that describes a person whose gender identity does not match that person’s biological sex. This may include someone who was born biologically female who feels male, or vice versa. Transgender people may alter their bodies using hormones and/or surgery.

A sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by an organism that lives in the lining of the vaginal walls and causes an irritating, foamy discharge with an strong odor. Trichomoniasis, or Trich, can be passed between sexual partners (including between male and female partners) and can be cured with antibiotics.

Tubal Ligation
A surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy in which the Fallopian tubes are tied or cut and burned to prevent eggs from entering the uterus. It is a permanent procedure. Otherwise known as “getting your tubes tied” or "tie off."

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