
Home - Sex & Your Health - Sexcabulary

Here we’ll define many of the common terms you’ll encounter when talking about sex and your health.

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There are currently 6 terms in this directory beginning with the letter M.
The touching of one’s own body, especially the genitals, for sexual pleasure.

A stage in a woman’s life when her ovaries stop producing the hormone oestrogen, and her body goes through a number of changes, including the end of her menstrual cycle. This generally happens between the ages of 45 and 55.

This is where female ovary walls break down and shed blood called period. This occurs since the egg was not fertilised by sperms. The bleeding happens when an egg is not fertilised and comes out of the vagina along with the thick lining of the womb that builds up each month. The blood usually looks thick and gooey and may be bright red or brown in colour.

A healthcare worker who looks after pregnant women and helps to deliver babies.

When a foetus, comes out of a woman's womb before it is old enough to survive outside its' mother' s body. Also called 'losing a baby'. This can be spontaneous or deliberate.

Sexual touching that is inappropriate and unwanted. It is illegal.

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