
Home - Sex & Your Health - Sexcabulary

Here we’ll define many of the common terms you’ll encounter when talking about sex and your health.

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There are currently 10 terms in this directory beginning with the letter F.
Fallopian Tubes
The tubes that attach a woman's ovaries to her womb. The eggs travel down the fallopian tubes each month when they are released from the ovaries.

A sexual behavior where oral sex is performed usually by licking or sucking a person’s penis.

Female Condom
A soft sheath that lines the woman's vagina and stops any sperm from getting into it.

This is where sperm and the egg fuse. This may take place either inside the female ovary or in a test tube.

If a woman or man has a healthy reproductive system and they are able to get pregnant or to produce healthy sperm, they are fertile.

A slang term for using one or several fingers to touch a girl’s or woman’s genitals, usually including a combination of touching or rubbing the clitoris and penetrating the vagina.

The medical name for a developing baby in the womb between the 8th week of pregnancy and the birth.

All of the sexual activities that people might do to get each other sexually aroused either before or instead of intercourse.

A retractable area of skin that covers and protects the head (glans) of the penis. Some parents of male children have this skin removed soon after birth during a procedure called circumcision.

French Kissing
This is kissing someone and placing tounge in each other mounth.

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