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Here we’ll define many of the common terms you’ll encounter when talking about sex and your health.

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There are currently 11 terms in this directory beginning with the letter H.
Hepatitis A
A disease that affects the liver which can be caught through sexual activities like rimming, or by sharing infected needles used to inject drugs.

Hepatitis B
A disease that affects the liver which can be caught through sexual contact or by sharing infected needles used to inject drugs.

Hepatitis C
A disease that affects the liver which is transferred through blood. It can be caught through sexual contact if infected blood gets passed between two people, or by sharing infected needles used to inject drugs.

A virus that can lead to sores on the face or genitals. It can be passed on through sexual activities, or other close contact. There is no known cure for Herpes and you will always carry the virus, but it can be treated.

Being sexually and romantically attracted to someone of a different sex. Otherwise known as being 'straight'.

This means Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV can be sexually transmitted and is the virus that damages the immune system and can lead to AIDS. The only way to protect yourself against HIV is to use a proper protecting when engaging in sexual activity.

HIV Test
A blood or oral swab test to detect antibodies to HIV. The test, including results delivery, generally takes about 20 minutes.

Being sexually and romantically attracted to someone of the same sex.

Naturally occurring chemicals that guide the changes that take place in the body. As well as causing physical changes, hormones cause emotional changes too. Hormones cause puberty to start in men and women.

Human Papilloma Virus
HPV (Human Papilloma virus) - A virus found in women that can contribute to cell changes in the cervix.

The thin layer of skin that partially covers the entrance to a woman's vagina. It can be broken by sex, tampons or various sporting activities.

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