
Home - Sex & Your Health - Sexcabulary

Here we’ll define many of the common terms you’ll encounter when talking about sex and your health.

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There are currently 8 terms in this directory beginning with the letter I.
When people who are related, like brothers and sisters, have sex with each other. Incest is illegal in Jamaica.

A disease that affects the liver which can be caught through sexual activities like rimming, or by sharing infected needles used to inject drugs.

An illness caused by a germ or virus.

A woman who is unable to have a baby or a man who cannot fertilise a woman's eggs with his sperms.

Internal Pelvic Imflammation
An internal exam performed on a woman, if they complain of specific symptoms. It is simple, painless (although it might be a bit uncomfortable) and shouldn't take longer than ten minutes. A plastic or metal instrument called a speculum may be inserted into your vagina and then the nurse or doctor will put some gloves on and examine the inside of your vagina with their fingers while they press on your abdomen. You can always ask for a female doctor.

A person born with a combination of genitals and/or chromosomes that are different from an XY male with a  penis and testicles or an XX female with a vagina and ovaries. Intersex people may have XO, XXY, XYY or any other combination of chromosomes and anatomy.

Intrauterine Device
A contraceptive device (either hormonal or non-hormonal) that is inserted into the womb to prevent pregnancy over a long period of time. It does not prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Irregular Periods
Irregular periods are periods that change each month and do not happen every 28 days. Periods are controlled by hormones and irregular ones are usually part of the normal changes that happen to teenagers.

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