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Here we’ll define many of the common terms you’ll encounter when talking about sex and your health.

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There are currently 17 terms in this directory beginning with the letter S.
Safer Sex
Abstinence is the only method that is 100% safe, so 'safer' sex means being responsible about sexual behaviours by doing things that reduce your chances of getting or spreading a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and/or becoming (or getting a girl) pregnant. This includes educating oneself about STIs and pregnancy, using barriers like condoms along with another contraceptive method, limiting the number of partners a person has, and getting tested for STIs on a regular basis.

Sanitary Napkins or Pads
Sanitary napkins are cotton pads that fit into a woman's underwear (knickers) when she is having her period. The towels soak up blood, but need to be changed every few hours.

An itchy and contagious skin infection that can be passed on through non-sexual and sexual contact - even hand holding.

The bag of skin that holds a man's testicles.

A fluid that contains a mixture of secretions from a man's reproductive glands and sperm cells. Semen comes out from the penis when he ejaculates.

Sex can refer to a person's biological makeup that tells if the person is male or female (having a penis versus having a vagina). Sex can also refer to the act of engaging in sexual intercourse with another person.

Sexual Abuse
Sexual touching or behaviours that are unwanted, including rape. Sexual abuse is illegal.

Sexual Orientation
A term to describe the gender or genders of the people to whom one is attracted physically and romantically. Sexual orientations include bisexual, gay, lesbian, heterosexual and in some cases queer.

A broad term that refers to sexual behaviours, body parts, how people feel about themselves and being with others, how they see their gender and sexual identities, and how they interact with other people.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
Infections that are passed from one person to another during sex or sexual activity. Some of which are more common and dangerous than others. The best way to protect yourself if you are having sex is to always use a condom.

The long part of the penis that is attached to the body and ends at the tip with the head ( glans).

A normal genital secretion in men and girls.

The male sex cell or reproductive seeds made in a man's testicles.

A chemical that kills sperm. It comes in a variety of forms including gel, cream, foam, suppositories and film. Some condoms are lubricated with spermicide.

Statutory Rape
Sexual intercourse with a person who is under a certain age. In Jamaica, this refers to anyone who is under age 16.

When a man or a woman has an operation to prevent future pregnancy.

A sexually transmitted infection, which may go unnoticed and can spread without either partner knowing. It is passed during sex or sexual activity and can be serious if left untreated.

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