The Intrauterine Device (I.U.D)

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A "T" at the Junction

The Copper T is a non-hormonal long-acting reversible contraceptive. It is an intra-uterine device, which means it operates in the uterus. Copper T is a small, flexible plastic device, wrapped in copper wire, that is inserted into the uterus through the vagina by a trained healthcare provider. It has two strings that come down into the vagina – this helps you and your healthcare provider know it is in place. Copper T prevents pregnancies for up to ten years.

How It Works

Copper T works by preventing a fertilised egg from implanting in the uterus. The copper immobilizes sperm, making it difficult to find and fertilise an egg.

How Long Does It Last?

An IUD lasts for up to 10 years.


The Implant is 99 percent effective. This means that 99 of every 100 women using the Implant will not become pregnant.

Who can use the Copper T?

Most females can use the Copper T, as long as she does not have certain cancers, STIs or other infections. Persons who are interested in getting the implant will have to be screened and approved by a medical professional.

  • One of the most effective contraceptive methods
  • Lasts for up to 10 years
  • No hormones
  • No daily regimen
  • It does not counteract any medications
  • It does not interrupt sex
  • It can be used when breastfeeding
  • It may cause slight cramping after insertion
  • It may cause irregular bleeding and heavier periods

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will my partner be able to feel the strings?

    Only if you are trying to find them. The medical professional will cut the strings. After insertion, the strings get soft, so it will not be uncomfortable and would not interrupt sex.

  • Is it painful to insert?

    The insertion can be uncomfortable, but not necessarily painful. It only takes a few minutes and you will be given something to ease the discomfort. You may experience cramping afterwards but it can be treated with regular painkillers and should only last a few hours or days.

  • Can the Copper T get lost in my body?

    No, the Copper T can shift slightly and can be expelled from the uterus, but it certainly cannot get lost. In the case that it has shifted or been expelled, consult your medical professional immediately.

  • Can I still use tampons?

    Sanitary napkins (pads) are recommended, however, you can still use tampons. If you use tampons, you will need to change them more often than usual (every 2-3 hours), making sure you don’t tug on the strings when removing it.

  • Is it only for women who already have children?

    Although it is generally recommended for women who have had children, those who have not yet had children can still get the Copper T.