Tubal Ligation is commonly known as “having your tubes tied” or “tie off”. It is an operation in which the Fallopian tubes are tied or cut. This preventing eggs from uniting with sperms and being fertilised. This is a permanent procedure. Clients should be carefully counselled before they choose it as their contraceptive method so as to minimise future regret. While it is surgically possible to reverse the procedure, the results have been poor.
This Is It.
- Permanent method for women who are sure that they will not want (more) children
- Safe, simple surgery that is usually done without putting the woman to sleep
- Very effective
- No known long-term side effects
- No effect on sexual ability or feelings
- Brief discomfort after procedure

Frequently Asked Questions
No, periods will generally remain the same. For women who were on a hormonal contraceptive before tubal ligation and had lighter or shorter periods, their periods may go back to being heavier and longer as they originally were prior to contraceptive use.
Tubal ligation is very effective, so it is very rare for a woman to get pregnant after a tubal ligation. Approximately 5 in 1,000 women may become pregnant after tubal ligation.
No. It will not change your sex drive. You may even enjoy sex more since you won’t have to worry about getting pregnant.