A Message from the Executive Director regarding COVID-19
On behalf of my staff, I must say a big thank you to all the healthcare heroes and leaders of this nation for all the work done so far in the fight against COVID-19.
The government has asked us to #TanAYuhYaad. We know that lock downs and quarantines will lead to increased sexual activity as persons spend more time together. This in turn can lead to increase unplanned pregnancies as well as increased cases of HIV and other STIs. The NFPB appeals to you to act in your best interest and get your meds, your condoms and your contraceptives. If you are not yet on a contraceptive method, now would be a great time to start.
Many health centres are still open daily. Check the opening hours and get your supply of condoms and contraceptives, and if you have a scheduled appointment, try to keep it.
The National Family Planning Board is also open so you can access condoms and oral contraceptives. Our Counsellor and Nurse are also available via telephone and social media to discuss any concerns you may have about your sexual and reproductive health, and also assist you to cope during this time. Call, WhatsApp or DM us.
For persons who require regular medication, ensure that you stock up on at least three months of your medication, and continue to take them as directed. For persons who take ARVs, you can get a monthly supply. It is imperative that we build our immune systems and keep our bodies at optimum health during this pandemic so that we may be able to avoid, and if needs be, fight COVID-19.
Let’s #StandTogether as we #StandApart to stem the spread of COVID-19 and remember – Prevent as you protect and… #TanAYuhYaad!
Lovette Byfield
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